About Me

I’m’ currently a postdoctoral researcher at Nagoya University, Japan. I’m working with the Dialogue System Research Group. My research interests lie in Persona Character Modeling, Personalized Generative AI, and Task-oriented Dialogue System.

Research Experience

  • April 2021 – Present
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University


  • September 2016 – April 2021
    Ph.D. of Computer and Information Science
    Hosei University
  • September 2014 – June 2015
    Master of Computer and Information Science
    Hosei University (Double Degree Program)
  • September 2013 – April 2016
    Master of Software Engineering
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Journals & Conferences (Refereed)

  • Ao Guo, Ryu Hirai, Atsumoto Ohashi, Yuya Chiba, Yuiko Tsunomori, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Personality Prediction from Task-oriented and Open-domain Human–machine Dialogues,” Scientific Reports, 2024 [Paper]
  • Kentaro Taki, Jianhua Ma, Ao Guo, Muxin Ma, Alex Qi. “Multilevel Classification of Drowsiness States Using ECG With Optimized Convolutional Neural Network,” in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom), 2023
  • Sanae Yamashita, Koji Inoue, Ao Guo, Shota Mochizuki, Tatsuya Kawahara, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “RealPersonaChat: A Realistic Persona Chat Corpus with Interlocutors’ Own Personalities,” in Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 2023 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Walid Brahim, Jianhua Ma. “Influences of Mental Stress Level on Individual Identification using Wearable Biosensors” in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2023 [Paper]
  • Shinya Iizuka, Shota Mochizuki, Atsumoto Ohashi, Sanae Yamashita, Ao Guo, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Clarifying the Dialogue-Level Performance of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in Task-Oriented and Non-Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems,” In AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), 2023 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Atsumoto Ohashi, Yuya Chiba, Yuiko Tsunomori, Ryu Hirai, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Personality-aware Natural Language Generation for Task-oriented Dialogue using Reinforcement Learning,” in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2023 [Paper]
  • Ryu Hirai, Ao Guo, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Applying Item Response Theory to Task-oriented Dialogue Systems for Accurately Determining User’s Task Success Ability,” in Proceedings of the 24th Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 2023 [Paper]
  • 平井龍, 大橋厚元, 郭傲, 東中竜一郎. “タスク指向型対話システムにおけるチュートリアルを用いた発話理解の改善,” 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 2022 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Atsumoto Ohashi, Ryu Hirai, Yuya Chiba, Yuiko Tsunomori, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Influence of User Personality on Dialogue Task Performance: A Case Study using a Rule-based Dialogue System,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Conversational AI (NLP4ConvAI), 2021 [Paper]
  • Jiaoman Du, Jiandong Zhou, Xiang Li, Lei Li, Ao Guo. “Integrated Self-driving Travel Scheme Planning,” International Journal of Production Economics, 2021 [Paper]
  • Hongyu Jiang, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “Genre-based Emoji Usage Analysis and Prediction in Video Comments,” in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2020 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Hongyu Jiang, Jianhua Ma. “Multi-scenario Fusion for More Accurate Classifications of Personal Characteristics,” in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2020 [Paper]
  • Hongyu Jiang, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “Automatic Prediction and Insertion of Multiple Emojis in Social Media Text,” in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom), 2020 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Guanqun Sun, Shunxiang Tan. “A Personal Character Model of Affect, Behavior and Cognition for Individual-like Research,” Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2020 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Kevin I-Kai Wang. “Towards Integrative Personal Character Modeling using Multi-strategy Fusion across Scenarios and Periods,” in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2019 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Kevin I-Kai Wang. “Integrated Modeling of Personal Character using Personal Big Data,” in Proocedings of the 12th IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom), 2019 [Paper]
  • Shunxiang Tan, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Shengbing Ren. “Personal Affective Trait Computing using Multiple Data Sources,” in Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom), 2019 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Tan Shunxiang, Guanqun Sun. “From Affect, Behavior, and Cognition to Personality: An Integrated Personal Character Model for Individual-like Intelligent Artifacts,” World Wide Web Journal, 2019 [Paper]
  • Guanqun Sun, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Jianguo Wei. “Personal Trait Analysis using Word2vec based on User-generated Text,” in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Smart World Congress, 2019 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Kevin I-Kai Wang. “From User Models to the Cyber-I Model: Approaches, Progresses and Issues,” in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2018 [Paper]
  • Yen Tsan, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Runhe Huang, Zhong Chen. “Incremental User Modeling of Online Activity for Cyber-I Growth with Successive Browsing Logs,” in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2018 [Paper]
  • Ruiying Cai, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Runhe Huang, Ruiyun Yu, Chen Yang. “Correlation Analyses between Personality Traits and Personal Behaviors under Specific Emotion States using Physiological Data from Wearable Devices,” in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2018 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “An Integrative and Precise Approach in Personality Computing based on Ontic Personae Modeling,” in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2018 [Paper]
  • Ruiying Cai, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Runhe Huang. “Correlational Analyses among Personality Traits Emotional Responses and Behavioral States using Physiological Data from Wearable Sensors,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED), 2018 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “Archetype-based Modeling of Persona for Comprehensive Personality Computing from Personal Big Data,” Sensors, 2018 [Paper]
  • Tongtong Xu, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma, Kevin I-Kai Wang. “Feature-based Temporal Statistical Modeling of Data Streams from Multiple Wearable Devices,” in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, 2017 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “Scenario-based Modeling of Ontic Personae for Automatic Personality Perception,” In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 2017 [Paper]
  • Tongtong Xu, Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “Analysis of Temporal Features in Data Streams from Multiple Wearable Devices,” in Proceedings the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), 2017 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “Context-aware Scheduling in Personal Data Collection from Multiple Wearable Devices,” IEEE Access, 2017 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “A Context-aware Scheduling Mechanism for Smartphone-based Personal Data Collection from Multiple Wearable Devices,” in Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 2016 [Paper]
  • Ao Guo, Jianhua Ma. “A Smartphone-based System for Personal Data Management and Personality Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 2015 [Paper]


  • Ryu Hirai, Shinya Iizuka, Haruhisa Iseno, Ao Guo, Jingjing Jiang, Atsumoto Ohashi, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Team Flow at DRC2023: Building Common Ground and Text-based Turn-taking in a Travel Agent Spoken Dialogue System,” Dialogue Robot Competition 2023 [Paper]
  • Ryu Hirai, Atsumoto Ohashi, Ao Guo, Hideki Shiroma, Xulin Zhou, Yukihiko Tone, Shinya Iizuka, Ryuichiro Higashinaka. “Team Flow at DRC2022: Pipeline System for Travel Destination Recommendation Task in Spoken Dialogue,” Dialogue Robot Competition 2022 [Paper]

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Paper Award, 16th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 2023.
  • Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award, IEEE Technical Committee on Hyper-Intelligence, 2022.
  • Best Student Paper Award, 5th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Science and Technology, 2020.
  • Best Paper Award, 9th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical and Social Computing, 2016.
  • Support Program for Researchers Traveling Abroad by International Information Science Foundation (IISF), 2017.

Research Projects

  • 2015 – 2018
    Research and Development of a Cyber-I Open Service Platform, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, No. 26330350.

Scientific Activities

  • TC Secretary
    IEEE Technical Committee on Hyper-Intelligence
  • Program Committee of Conferences
    IEEE CyberSciTech 2017-2023; IEEE CPSCOM 2019; IEEE VTC 2018; Cyber 2019
  • Journal Reviewer
    Journal of Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences; Journal of IEEE Access

Teaching Experiences